What causes a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are infections of the vagina caused by fungus. The most common fungus is Candida albicans, but other yeast can cause these infections as well.


What conditions make yeast infection more likely?

Any woman can get a yeast infection. However, women are at higher risk when they have an imbalance in the normal bacteria that live in the vagina. Using antibiotics for relief can disrupt this balance. Other factors that can make yeast infections likely include excessive moisture or heat, menstruation, tampons, scented soaps or feminine hygiene products.


What is BV?

BV stands for bacterial vaginosis. This common infection occurs when the levels of vaginal bacteria shift, creating a rise in vaginal pH. This causes irritation of the vulva and vagina, which can also result in a yellow-gray discharge. Some women notice a fishy smell as well.


What causes BV?

Researchers don't know the exact cause of BV, but women who have recently used an antibiotic or who douche regularly are at higher risk for this infection.


What is the difference between BV and a yeast infection?

Only a doctor can diagnose these two infections accurately, as they cause similar symptoms. A swab of the vaginal discharge to test for yeast will provide a definitive answer.


Why are over-the-counter or prescription yeast infection treatments not recommended on a regular basis?

Using traditional yeast infection treatments on a regular basis, including creams and oral medications, can contribute to resistant infection. In fact, doctors are finding an increased number of Candida albicans infections that are resistant to standard therapies. For this reason, gynecologists are starting to focus on better feminine hygiene to prevent infections, rather than treatment of existing infections.


Can women who are pregnant or breastfeeding use boric acid suppositories?

This has not yet been studied, so women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid the use of these supplements unless directed to do so by their doctors.


How fast can I expect relief from my boric acid suppositories?

Scientific studies have found that it takes just 24 hours for a 600 mg vaginal suppositories to start reliving symptoms. After about 10 days of treatment, the infection is completely cured. Since as many as 75% of all women will develop these infections, having a safe, natural, effective and proven solution – that’s easy to use and inexpensive as well – is vitally important to the health and wellbeing of most women.